Art at the Turn of the Millennium
Кристоф Блейз, Астрид Вег, Ян Верворт, Илмаз Дзевиор, Ларс Ларсен, Жан-Мишель Рибеттс, Раймар Стэндж, Сьюзан Титц
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The art of the 1980s and 90s can seem like an impenetrable tangle of -isms that are alarmingly diverse and mutually contradictory. In the post-postmodern age, anything and everything goes. The new generation of artists has a penchant for venturing into territory not traditionally associated with high art, and designers, architects and film-makers can be found at the cutting edge. This book offers a broad overview of the international art scene at the end of the twentieth century. Four pages are devoted toeach of the 137 artists featured, all of whom are listed alphabetically. Their work is introduced with pithy commentaries and displayed in more than 1,200 illustrations, documenting the latest trends in art. As the millennium draws to a close, this guidesuggests directions in which the art of the future might be heading.